InKrUsH Thesis Collectiono - 看汉帛最高荣誉奖是如何炼成的~

  • 文章来源:     发表时间: 2018-05-01 12:55:19     浏览次数:
  • InKrUsH Thesis Collectiono | 看汉帛最高荣誉奖是如何炼成的~ €€FOLLOW US 【顾名思义】FASHION STUDIO《Dream Hole》Carlos Calvo Terrasa Terrasa在最近的中国北京MBFW汉帛奖中取得最高荣誉金奖,处子秀系列题为中铁办公室员工工作服“梦想洞”,解读中国传统建筑的圆形状和手风琴褶,呼应结构如天坛和其层梯。带着模糊的东方感觉,古怪的帽子,高高在上的夸大。面向分层和正字法的1件茄克,它复制传统画家的画布,乃至风格和3维硅形状的胸针鞘油漆调色板。 第1个集合是完善的全面介绍InKrUsH作为品牌和Terrasa设计师。抽象和梦寐以求的,这是1个美好的集合,具有不可思


    《Dream Hole》

    Carlos Calvo Terrasa



    One part fashion label and one part creative manifesto, this week’s Young Blood feature introduces Barcelona-based b绍兴工作服厂家
    rand InKrUsH. Taking its name from the physical aspect of creativity (ink) asims4工作服妆容
    nd the emotional surge (rush) of its designer Carlos Calvo Terrasa, I工作服该怎么做账
    nKrUsH is a holistic expression that blends art, music and social criticism. Along the same vein as last week’s inductees, Terrasa is caught in a wild love affair between music and fashion, a saucy and artistic ménage à trois. The Spanish designer translates music into three-dimensional form, stretching the shapes of sound waves and symphonies into his silhouettes.


    This first collection is the perfect all-around introduc将乐医疗工作服制服
    tion to InKrUsH as a brand and Terrasa as a designer. Abstract and aspirational, it’s a wonderful thesis collection that possesses an uncanny aesthetic and earnest vision. And though it’s been hinted that the collection will be released later this year in June, we’re already curious to know what else Terrasa is planning in the seasons to come. Certainly a label with something to say, InKrUsH has set a high bar for itself to surpass.

